Nov 22, 2021
2021 NC State Floral Hemp Variety Trial Results Available

Results from North Carolina State University’s 2021 floral hemp variety trials are now available on the NC State Extension website. The variety trials were conducted at three locations representing the three major geographic and agricultural production regions of North Carolina: Kinston (Lenoir County; Coastal Plain), Salisbury (Rowan County; Piedmont), and Mills River (Henderson County; Mountains).

Eighteen varieties from five seed companies were investigated in Kinston and Salisbury and 20 in Mills River. ‘Cherry Wine, ‘BaOx’, and ‘Redwood’ cuttings were supplied by the breeding companies prior to transplant. All other varieties were started from seed on NC State campuses.

Production practices mirrored those commonly used by North Carolina growers. Plasticulture (white on black polyethylene mulch + irrigation drip line) was employed at each location. Transplanting occurred during the first week of June. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with three blocks per location. Plots consisted of 10 plants spaced at 5’ x 5’ (1,742 plants/ac).

The Kinston trial showed significant botrytis damage during flowering even with an aggressive spray regimen. Though we were able to harvest a crop from this location, considerable damage and loss was observed.

A variety of Lepidoptera species, worms, were the most pressing insect pests. Heavy rains and localized flooding at the Mills River location following tropical storms and hurricanes in August and September brought challenges to the field; some plants lodged, and disease and pest pressure increased.

For more information, view the 2021 NC State Variety Floral Hemp Variety Report at

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