Winfall is a series of miniature and incredibly uniform cyclamen. They are well suited for cool-season landscape bedding and container planting.
Plants are transplant ready in 10 to 12 weeks from sow in a 288 tray. Select a porous media that drains well. This is particularly important during the cool season when temperatures and light levels are low and media is slow to dry. Optimum pH is 5.8 to 6.2 and ED 1.0 to 1.2. Cyclamen are sensitive to elevated soluble salt levels. Allow leaching to occur when fertilizing to avoid root problems.
Provide shade to allow a maximum of 4,400 foot-candles. Flowers will not be initiated if light levels drop below 2,000 foot-candles. Supplemental lighting at 300 to 500 foot-candles for a 14-hour day will increase bud count.
After transplant, maintain cool days with 65° F nights. Once rooted to the sides, drop nights to 62° F to help facilitate flowering. When roots reach bottom of pot, reduce night temperature to 58° to 60° F to keep the crop compact the last month of finishing. Hold finished crops at 55° to to 60° F.
Begin fertilization when roots push out of the plug. Feed weekly or every two to three waterings with nitrogen:potassium ratio of 1:2. On young plants, alternate between potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate fertilizers. If new leaves do not expand fully, an occasional application of ammonium will promote leaf expansion.