Jeremy Schmidt
40 Under 40, Class of 2022

Jeremy Schmidt


Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Garden

Job Title

Supervisor of Grounds and Research


  • Designed and installed the 5,000 square foot crevice garden, transforming over 200 tons of broken concrete into a world-class artistic and botanical display, with over 3,000 specialized taxa.
  • Developed and patented Festuca ‘Glow Sticks’ that was introduced this year at Plant Delights Nursery.


Rock on! Over the past five years, Jeremy has hand-stacked more than 3 million pounds of stone, transforming piles of rocks and broken concrete into botanically diverse garden spaces.

Fun Facts

He Knows How to Keep Busy: If he isn’t at work, you can find Jeremy “gardening compulsively, fishing and bragging about it, playing chess poorly, botanizing purposefully and writing while excessively caffeinated.”