Survey Says … Good News!
Gardening is still growing.
That is good news for everyone in our industry — from the breeder who develops a new variety to the grower who produces the plant all the way to the garden center operator who sells plants, pots, soil and other gardening products, and then to the landscapers who install and maintain them.
According to the 2017 National Gardening Survey, the do-it-yourself (DIY) yard and garden industry is now valued at $36.9 billion, up from $36.1 billion the previous year.
The survey reports that 74 percent of all U.S. households (more than 90 million of them) participated in some type of lawn and garden activity in 2016. In 2013 and 2014, that figure was 70 percent. Millennials and the interest in food gardening continue to drive the growth. While it’s not double digits, at least it is a positive number.
Last year, the average household spent $407 on lawn and garden products — just a slight increase over 2015’s $401 but a $90 increase over 2014’s $317! And flower gardening, according to the survey, is now at an all-time high.
Not only is DIY gardening on the rise, but the do-it-for-me sector also continues to grow. The survey shows that the number of households purchasing landscape design, installation and maintenance has doubled over the last six years.
The 2017 National Gardening Survey is the comprehensive market research report for the horticulture industry. The survey is done by Harris Interactive, who surveys more than 2,000 households to learn about their indoor and outdoor lawn and garden activities. It is published by The National Gardening Market Research Co.
The survey has been conducted annually since 1973, and provides in-depth and up- to-date marketing information on industry trends, household participation, consumer profiles and retail sales.
“While headlines may not be as dramatic as in 2015, when spending finally leapt out of the recession, the National Gardening Survey shows steady consumer consolidation,” said industry consultant Ian Baldwin, who helped contribute to the report. “Though overall gains were small, the 2016 data indicates that consumers are feeling more confident in their discretionary spending of both time and dollars with regard to gardening.”
Will It Keep Growing in 2017?
Are you seeing this consumer confidence reflected in your sales?
I am anxious to see the numbers for this year. Will gardening sales continue to grow steadily? Or will we see some kind of an economic growth regulator on 2017 gardening sales?
As we head into the summer months, have you seen an uptick in sales so far this year? Did you notice any new or unusual trends?
Drop me a line at and let me know if your sales are in line with the results of the National Gardening Survey.