Dan Schantz Farm Announces Results of 2014 Poinsettia Trials
Nearly 200 people attended the 2014 Poinsettia Trial and Open House on Nov. 13 at Dan Schantz Farm in Zionsville, Pennsylvania. The trial featured more than 170 poinsettia varieties from six world renowned breeders, Dümmen NA, Selecta, Syngenta, Beekenkamp, PAC Worldwide and Ecke Ranch.
New cultivars displayed at the trial will have the opportunity to be added to the 2015 production schedule depending on how they faired on display. The trial featured speakers from around the country and judges of the varieties by nine industry representatives.
The following varieties were recognized:
- Sparkling Punch from Paul Ecke Ranch: Best Novelty
- Titan Pink from Syngenta: Best Pink
- Premium RF 043 NN from Dümmen: Best Red/Best Overall
- Titan White from Syngenta: Best White
- Charon Red from Beekenkamp: Growers Choice
- Saxonia Christmas Hot Pink from PAC Worldwide: Farm Favorite
The 2015 Poinsettia Trial will take place Nov. 12 at Dan Schantz farm.
For more information, visit www.poinsettiatrial.com/.