Oct 24, 2019
Paragon Processing Provides Solution for Hemp Farmers

Paragon Processing, the largest hemp processing and climate-controlled storage facility currently operating in the U.S., is offering a much-needed solution to farmers that are dealing with the crisis of losing their hemp crop due to their inability to properly dry their harvest.

Due to the current demand for drying services, over the next few weeks, Paragon Processing is adding 10,000 pounds of wet weight per hour of drying to its current 3,000-4,000 pounds of wet weight per hour drying capabilities. The company’s drying services take harvested hemp down to 10% moisture content.

Across the U.S., farmers are cropping with 60 to 70% moisture in their hemp. Many are baling this hemp with high moisture content, which is causing the hemp biomass to mold, creating a toxin that cannot be removed. This toxin is creating rot, which then causes farmers to lose their crop and entire investment.

“Now is prime harvesting time, and there is a lot of panic in the farming community because farmers have no way to dry their hemp crop,” said Matt Evans, Paragon Processing co-president. “Everyday, we get calls from farms all over the country asking for drying help. This is a huge issue for farmers, and by adding 10,000 pounds of wet weight per hour of drying, we are taking action to help them save their hemp crop.”

At 14,000 lbs per hour, and running the drying equipment 20 hours per day, Paragon Processing will soon offer 250,000 pounds a day of drying capacities to help farmers save their crops. The company is charging $3 to $4 per pound of dry weight. The price varies, based on volume and moisture content.

Paragon Processing’s high-security facility is stationed on a 38-acre property 140 miles south of Denver. It acts as the purveyor of industrial hemp solutions and seamless integration to relieve supply chain disruption, allowing companies to benefit from this one-stop operation.

For more information, go to www.paragonprocessors.com.

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