Treating Strawberries With CBD Oil Lengthens Shelf Life
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, has promising potential as an antimicrobial treatment to fresh produce, according to researchers from the Department of Cell Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology at the University of South Florida.
The study focused on examining the potential of CBD oil as a postharvest treatment used by consumers at home to reduce microbial growth and extend the shelf life of strawberries. CBD oil was applied to fresh fruit after harvest followed by storage at 1 °C for eight days and 10 °C for eight days. Strawberries were evaluated for visual quality and microbial load before and during storage.
Results from this study showed that CBD oil was effective at maintaining the visual appearance of strawberries, above the minimum threshold of a visual rating score of 3, compared to the fruit that was not treated. It was also found that CBD oil was effective at reducing the microbial load on treated strawberries compared to fruit that was not treated. CBD oil inhibited yeast and mold growth on strawberries.
This research shows that CBD oil has the potential to be used by consumers at home as an effective antimicrobial treatment and to extend strawberry shelf life.
Read more about the study in the Postharvest Biology and Technology journal.