40 Under 40, Class of 2019

Ockert Greyvenstein


PanAmerican Seed Co.

Job Title

Plant Breeder


  • Helped get the male-sterile patent approved for the company’s vinca breeding program and has been instrumental in the program’s trialing, evaluation, test production and ultimate product selection.
  • Works with and mentors college interns in the company’s breeding program to create an exciting, meaningful and educational experience. Has maintained these connections with former interns and continues to support them as they have advanced in their careers.


In high school, Ockert started a sheep breeding operation selecting sheep with multiple horns. His parents still have some descendants from the original program nearly 20 years later.

Fun Facts

Ockert and his family like to return to his native South Africa “and relax for a few days in the house where I grew up.