Nov 7, 2019
USDA Webinar Provides Overview of Hemp Production Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has posted a webinar to provide an overview of the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program, which was established to create a consistent regulatory framework around hemp production throughout the United States.

The webinar discusses the differences between hemp-related provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill and the 2018 Farm Bill, and provides details of the requirements included in the interim final rule published on Oct. 31, 2019.

The rule includes provisions for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve hemp production plans developed by states and Indian tribes including:

  • requirements for maintaining information on the land where hemp is produced;
  • testing THC levels;
  • disposing of non-compliant plants;
  • and licensing requirements.

It also establishes a federal plan for hemp producers in states or territories of Indian tribes that do not have their own approved hemp production plan.

RELATED: USDA Releases Interim Hemp Rule

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