40 Under 40, Class of 2015

Brian Burghardt


Rockaway Garden Center, Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Job Title

Service Manager, Green Goods Buyer, Head Designer, Co-owner


Along with his brother and others, created a thriving landscape and garden center business. Partnered with a local elementary school to convert an old greenhouse into a productive growing facility for a garden center (the school’s PTA receives a percentage of the sales) where students can learn about horticulture.


Reel Life: Chris is an avid fisherman. “I don’t get out as much as I would like, but it is something I love to do with my wife and boys, or by myself on my kayak.”

Fun Facts

Favorite Vacation Spot: Marathon, Florida, in the Keys. “We stay at an old Keys resort with use of a boat. It’s just a little bit of paradise … and the fishing is great!”