Aug 25, 2006
ANLA Schedules 2007 Legislative ConferenceSource: ANLA

The American Nursery & Landscape Association’s biennial Legislative Conference will meet July 20-25, 2007, at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The conference is designed to bring together green industry business owners and managers representing the growing, distribution, landscape and retail sectors as well as other organizations with similar legislative agendas.

Conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn about national legislative and regulatory issues affecting the industry, meet with members of Congress and learn about grassroots advocacy methods for the green industry.

“Next July’s conference will play a key role in shaping the ANLA’s legislative initiatives and victories for next season,” said John Farmer, director of legislative relations for the ANLA.

“ANLA’s Legislative Conference is an important opportunity for me to learn about the issues affecting my business and the growers and distributors I work with,” said ANLA President Joanne Kostecky, owner of Joanne Kostecky Landscape Design, Allentown, Pa.

For more information on the meeting, go to or call (202) 789-2900.