40 Under 40, Class of 2018

Shelby Jackson


Carolina Native Nursery

Job Title

Partner and Sales Manager


  • Since 2010, has shipped more than 1 million native shrubs and perennials to customers across the country from Central Park in New York to the banks of Lake Tahoe.
  • Served on the board of advisors for the Blue Ridge Community College’s Horticulture Program. Also, has served on multiple civic organizations to help preserve and enrich the community.


Getting Outside Her Comfort Zone: Shelby has harvested pineapple in Thailand, swam with sharks in the Galapagos, danced the tango in Argentina, built hospitals in Haiti and more. “With each new adventure comes a new understanding of the world around me and how to contribute to making it a better place.”

Fun Facts

She’s Got Saturday Night Fever: Shelby can’t live without her disco music.