Nov 21, 2019
Tour de Fresh Provides 51 New Salad Bars for U.S. Schools

Tour de Fresh, the four-day cycling event presented by the California Giant Foundation, recently celebrated six years of success with a record-breaking donation of more than $180,000 to the United Fresh Start Foundation to provide salad bars to schools.

From Oct. 12-16, nearly 50 cyclists came together to embark on 300+ mile ride throughout California in an effort to make fresh fruits and vegetables more accessible to children across the nation. This year, through a collaborative effort from riders, friends, family members and the fresh produce industry leaders, the ride surpassed its 2018 total of $149,588 to deliver 51 salad bars to schools in California, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Texas.

“The Tour de Fresh has truly become a special event in the industry, and it’s incredible to see so many friends come together for an important cause,” said Tom Stenzel, president and CEO, United Fresh Produce Association. “The idea of rallying-around school salad bars, getting kids access to fresh produce, and helping create excitement in schools and communities for our products, it makes sense on so many levels, and the United Fresh Start Foundation is honored to play our part in moving these efforts forward.”

To date, Tour de Fresh has raised more than $930,000 to fund and place more than 265 salad bars into schools. By providing salad bars to schools, children are learning to incorporate a greater variety of fruits and vegetables into their diet, creating a healthy eating lifestyle at a young age.

“We’re thrilled about our record-breaking donation to the United Fresh Start Foundation,” said Cindy Jewell, vice president of marketing for the California Giant Berry Farms. “By providing more students with access to fresh fruits and vegetables during school, we’re shaping heathy eating behavior far beyond school hours and for years to come.”

For more information, visit Salad Bars to Schools can be found online at