Oct 13, 2023
Spring Meadow Nursery unveils first seedless burning bush

Spring Meadow Nursery has unveiled Proven Winners ColorChoice Fire Ball Seedless will be available to wholesale growers in the spring of 2024. It is the first seedless burning bush on the market.

The burning bush (Euonymus alatus) was introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. It was brought to the U.S. as an ornamental plant from East Asia. Its distinctive red fall foliage and compact growth habit make it a popular choice for landscaping and ornamental use.

Euonymus 'Fire Ball Seedless'

However, over the years, conventional burning bush has spread to many parts of North America, particularly in the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada, where it can outcompete native vegetation and disrupt local ecosystems. As a result, it is now considered an invasive species in several regions, and efforts are being made to control its progress.

Known for introducing some of North America’s most innovative woody ornamentals, Spring Meadow Nursery has been addressing invasiveness for years with a wide variety of low seed set and seedless alternatives to problematic species.

Bred by Dr. Tom Ranney and his crew at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station in North Carolina, Fire Ball Seedless euonymus provides the same blazing fall color as traditional burning bush but without the seeds and stigma. It is a truly innovative, game-changing plant with all the durability and inferno-red color but with no risk of spreading into wild areas like conventional burning bush.

Fire Ball Seedless Euonymus is hardy in zone 4-8, adaptable and will grow to 5-7’ tall/wide.

Other non-invasive alternatives introduced by the nursery include Sunjoy Todo and Sunjoy Mini Maroon Berberis, the Lo & Behold series of Buddleia, Pollypetite Hibiscus syriacus, and Fine Line Rhamnus.

Spring Meadow Nursery plans to phase out the original Fire Ball Euonymus over the next five to ten years in its continuing efforts to mitigate woody plant invasiveness.

For more information, visit springmeadownursery.com.

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