40 Under 40, Class of 2016

Tanisha Robinson


Ball Horticultural Company, West Chicago, Illinois

Job Title

Assistant Plant Pathologist


  • Responsible for tracking virus movement in a greenhouse setting to identify specific activities and practices which influence the spread of the virus, and analyzing information to develop and implement improved sanitation protocols during the breeding process.
  • Discovered a blackberry virus that had never before been reported on a popular ornamental phlox cultivar.


When It Comes to Hobbies: Tanisha has an adventurous streak in her — she enjoys kayaking, indoor rock climbing and has even tried indoor skydiving. “I also enjoy driving my co-workers insanely crazy by singing loudly and off-key to lyrics from many music genres while working in the lab.”

Fun Facts

Seafood Delight: Originally from the Chesapeake Bay area, Tanisha loves seafood. Whenever she goes home, she has to stop at her favorite seafood restaurant Catch 31 Fish House and Bar overlooking the ocean in Virginia Beach, Virginia.