40 Under 40, Class of 2016

Traci Barber


Wojo's Greenhouse, Ortonville, Michigan

Job Title

Perennial Manager/Social Media Coordinator


  • A graduate of Michigan State University, she is responsible for maintaining and designing the company website to connect with the younger generation, future
    horticulture professionals and gardeners.
  • Organized and oversaw the company’s complex perennial planting and production process to help streamline the perennials production department.


Clarinet Connoisseur: Traci has played the clarinet for more than 20 years and loves to play it in her spare time. She is a member of the Belle Valley Community Band in Imlay City, Michigan. “My original career path was in music, playing clarinet professionally.”

Fun Facts

Down on the Farm: Traci and her family (husband Andrew, young daughter Elizabeth and Australian Shepherd Bandit) live on Andrew’s family’s fourth-generation dairy farm.