Jul 11, 2008
Chrysanthemum White Rust Webinar SlatedSource: ANLA

The American Nursery & Landscape Association and Society of American Florists have joined with major U.S. propagation and breeding companies to present a free, 30-minute educational webinar about the plant disease, Chrysanthemum White Rust (CWR). CWR is a quarantine-significant pest, so it’s particularly important for growers to be aware of the steps they can take to avoid the disease in their fall chrysanthemum crops.

The webinar is conducted by Dr. Jane Trolinger, diagnostics and audits manager for Yoder Brothers, Inc. The online session includes photographs that teach growers how to recognize the symptoms of the CWR and offers advice on how to avoid the disease in 2008 mum crops.

To learn more or register, contact Craig Regelbrugge at cregelbrugge@anla.org (202) 789-2900 or Lin Schmale at lschmale@safnow.org (800) 336-4743.