Jul 17, 2017
Jon Gordon Kicks Off Cultivate’17 on the Energy Bus

Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus, kicked off  Cultivate’17 on Sunday morning by sharing how leadership and positivity can help a team reach success. During the July 16 keynote, Gordon focused on the importance of positive energy and having a vision for your team.

Positive leaders drive positive culture and lead with vision, Gordon said.

“As leaders, we need to lead with vision and share that vision for the road ahead because if you can see it, you can create it,” he said. “If you have a vision you also have the power to make it happen. What is your vision for the road ahead, and are you sharing it with your team?”

Gordon outlined two perspectives needed to create a vision and follow through to reach it: telescope and microscope. A telescope vision allows for a big picture view of where we want to go. A microscope vision is for the daily actions needed to reach the ultimate vision or goal.

Leaders cannot ignore negativity, Gordon said. Instead, leaders should foster a positive and productive team environment by following the three C’s: communication, connection and commitment. Each of the C’s influences the next, helping leaders build up their team and their vision.

“Communication is essential to build the team that we need,” Gordon said. “We communicate to build connection. The more connected you are, the more committed you’ll be.

“Positive leaders unite the organization and foster connections among their team members.”

Try gathering your team and have each member share a defining moment in their life, Gordon suggested as a team building activity.

“It’ll help you connect with that person, and you’ll have a better understanding of them.”

Of the three C’s, Gordon said commitment is the most important for millennials. If you show your commitment to them, millennials will show their commitment to you, he said.

“They need to know there’s a commitment and connection.”

Gordon wrapped up the morning’s keynote session by asking the audience to pick a word to live by for the rest of the year, and focus on that word to build up their team on the energy bus.