UGA Trial Garden

May 28, 2020
Update from UGA Trial Gardens

According to Brian Coker, garden manager of the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, they have successfully planted all trials and will begin taking ratings this week.

To view ratings, go to At the bottom of the home page, you can select Perennials or Annuals. Be sure to select the correct year. They have not posted photos yet, but will soon.

Ratings will be taken every other week during the summer and will be viewable online. This year, Coker says he will also include additional comments for each cultivar.

Unfortunately, UGA will not be hosting an official tour of the garden due to campus restrictions and COVID-19 concerns. Despite this, they will be happy to host visitors to the Gardens through the summer and fall.

To schedule a visit, email Coker at The Trial Gardens are open all day, every day, year round, so guests are encouraged to visit anytime.

They will also be sending out Plants of Distinction Awards this year every other week, beginning in a couple weeks. This year, a separate category will be included for plants to win awards for varieties that were grown by seed.