March 2021

Captivating Perennials

This spring is my 50th year in the horticultural industry. To gain perspective of the significant and extraordinary breeding, trialing, and introduction of new perennial genera and species that have b... more

Chat Room — March 2021

This month, we asked readers about water management, greenhouse lighting options and cannabis/hemp production. Here’s what they had to say. ... more

Culture Report: Catharanthus Soiree Kawaii Series

Loaded with blooms, this compact, colorful series sizzles all summer!

Eight Years of Progress

It's hard to believe it’s been almost eight years since I had the honor of being named to GPN’s 40 Under 40 class. When I realized how long it has been, I took the time to look back on the years s... more

Managing Light & Disease

Many variables play a role in disease control, but how can you use lighting technology as part of your overall strategy?

Maximizing Photosynthesis, Minimizing Respiration

Plants use the energy from light to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into sugars and oxygen, which is the process everyone knows as photosynthesis. The sugars can be stored by the plant, transpo... more

Pretty & Powerful: Hardy Hibiscus

The National Garden Bureau has declared 2021 as “Year of the Hardy Hibiscus.” How can you capitalize on this popular shrub?

Water You Missing?

Three overlooked ways to enhance plant health with irrigation

What to Avoid When Starting a Cannabis Operation

These are some of the most costly and time-consuming mistakes made when starting a cannabis greenhouse.

Yes, You Made the Right Choice

The past 12 months have been an unpredictable rollercoaster. While many of us felt discouraged or defeated at times, now is an opportune time to reconnect with the uniqueness of our industry and rediscover a bigger purpose.

We're happy to provide a sampling of the articles in this issue. To receive full issues of Greenhouse Product News, please subscribe.