Mar 1, 2024
Monrovia joins CAST at ThinkPlants locations

Monrovia will be showcasing bold and vibrant colors, including on-trend new perennials at the ThinkPlants California Spring Trials display. A visit to Gilroy, California, will give you a glimpse of new varieties selected to meet Monrovia’s exacting standards.

Sunstar Coreopsis

Sunstar coreopsis

The feathery green foliage of the Sunstar coreopsis series serves as a backdrop for colorful blooms that cover the plant from late spring through summer. This series, introduced by Monrovia, is a perennial you can count on even in hot, dry areas. Loved by both gardeners and pollinators, Sunstar varieties add season-long color to the landscape or containers. It is available in three colors including Orange, Gold and Rose.

Captain Calla Lily

Captain calla lily

Captain calla lilies bring vibrant colors and long-lasting blooms to the garden. The unique, trumpet-shaped flowers and striking foliage add a tropical look to containers or in the landscape. They also make an excellent cut flower. Available in an array of colors.

Colorburst Cape Fuchsia

Colorburst Cape fuchsia

Monrovia’s Colorburst series of Cape fuchsia adds gorgeous color to partial shade areas. The tubular, nectar-filled flower clusters cover the plant from midsummer into fall, drawing in butterflies and hummingbirds. Each Colorburst variety features showy, color-saturated blossoms that standout in borders and container gardens. Available in Rose, Deep Red, Yellow and Orange.

Lemon Puff Shasta Daisy

‘Lemon puff’ shasta daisy

Gardeners love the graceful beauty of daisies in the landscape. ‘Lemon Puff’ features fluffy, pale yellow, double blossoms with bright lemon-colored centers. This leucanthemum stays compact and flush with blooms from early spring through midsummer. This perennial is incredibly easy to grow, offering loads of blooms that last in the garden, container or in a vase.

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