3.22.2024 Ag Leader Award - Sec Mike Naig w Plantpeddler 03-19-24

Mar 25, 2024
The Ag Education Leadership Award is handed out

Plantpeddler was recently honored with the Ag Education Leadership Award, from Iowa secretary of agriculture, Mike Naig.

Naig recognized two organizations and one Iowa business that have made exceptional contributions to the state’s agriculture community. Ag Leader Awards were presented to the Iowa Barn Foundation for Leadership in Community, Ducks Unlimited for Leadership in Conservation and Plantpeddler for Leadership in Agriculture Education. The honorees received their awards during the 12th Annual Iowa Ag Leaders Dinner held on March 19 in Ankeny. The event was held on National Ag Day and was part of the state’s weeklong Iowa Ag Week celebration.

3.22.2024 Plantpeddler Crew with Gov Reynolds“Hundreds of Iowans from across the state gather every year for the Iowa Ag Leaders Dinner to recognize outstanding organizations and inspiring individuals who are making a tremendous impact,” said Secretary Naig. “This year’s awardees – the Iowa Barn Foundation, Ducks Unlimited and Plantpeddler – have all made significant and positive impacts on our state. They are deserving of recognition for their leadership in conservation, agriculture education and community betterment.”

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