Great Lakes Expo logo 2023

Editor’s Letter: Under control By Heather Machovina

As greenhouse growers, having control of the production environment is what allows market demands to be met year-round. Knowing the right solutions to heating your space will keep you producing through the cold winter months without issues.

Lighting is also a top priority when trying to produce plants during the second half of the year. Technology with lighting systems has been changing rapidly as new research is shared. Keeping up with the latest in lighting can be time consuming and sometimes costly. Michael Hanan from Sollum Technologies lets us know what growers should consider when adding to or updating greenhouse lighting to be more efficient.

Great Lakes Expo logoControlled environment agriculture (CEA) can be in the form of a simple hoop house, greenhouse or fully automated indoor farm. CEA can minimize inputs like water, nutrients and chemicals, and can increase savings on labor costs. Whether you are growing food or ornamentals, having full control of your growing area is something greenhouse operations want, but the cost of electricity can be one set back you need to consider. Check out how the increased use of electricity for controlled environments is introducing new challenges in the industry.


Thinking about attending the 2023 Great Lakes EXPO in December? Don’t miss keynote speaker Courtenay DeHoff’s presentation on how to maintain a thriving business by using resources in the digital space.

DeHoff wants everyone to walk away from her talk with more tools to use social media, websites and other digital platforms because “they are so crucial to your business,” she said. Find out more about the event here and at

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