May 11, 2015
Battlefield Farms Receives MPS-A QualificationSource: Battlefield Farms

Battlefield Farms Inc. has achieved MPS-A qualification after becoming a participant for MPS-ABC in 2010.

Battlefield Farms Inc. has achieved MPS-A qualification after becoming a participant for MPS-ABC in 2010. “We are participating in the MPS program because we feel a social responsibility to provide our customers the most environmentally friendly product that can be produced by a commercial greenhouse,” said Allan Waller, head of sales.

The automated facility in Virginia produces hanging baskets, bedding plants, decorative planters and holiday plants all year round; utilizes an environmental computer to monitor and adjust the greenhouse environment; individualizes soil mixing on-site; and has the ability to choose from drip line irrigation, ebb and flood flooring or boom watering systems.

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