ICL Specialty Fertilizers

Feb 1, 2021
ICL Specialty Fertilizers Launches Osmocote App

ICL Specialty Fertilizers has introduced a new mobile app for its Osmocote line of controlled release fertilizers. The Osmocote Product and Rate Finder App puts the full Osmocote product line, suggested application rates, a dealer locater and a “contact a specialist” function right at your fingertips.

David Wither’s, ICL’s marketing communications manager, said, “At ICL, our customers look to us to deliver the products, services and tools they need to grow their plants — and their business. We feel this new mobile app will allow greenhouse and nursery growers to get the information they need faster and easier than ever.”

More information, including a video and download link, can be found at: www.growwithosmocote.com/app.