Jan 11, 2023
Monrovia Joins ThinkPlants Breeder Network

ThinkPlants is announcing a new member. Monrovia Nursery is joining its network of breeders, growers and suppliers. This new addition to the ThinkPlants family continues to expand the growing portfolio of genetics and broaden the reach ThinkPlants and its suppliers and customers have in the North American market.

Monrovia Nursery headquartered in Azusa, California, with nursery locations in Dayton, Oregon; Visalia, California; Cairo, Georgia; and Granby, Connecticut, is the newest addition to the growing ThinkPlants list of participants. “Monrovia Nursery has long been known for their exceptional plant introductions,” said Joey Wiseman, director of ThinkPlants. “We feel honored to now help them increase sales on some of their phenomenal perennials.”

ThinkPlants will help represent and promote previously exclusive perennials, with unrooted cuttings being produced at Danziger Guatemala, and that will now be open to industry use without branding restrictions. “I have watched the ThinkPlants initiative grow,” says Jonathan Pedersen, president and CEO of Monrovia Nursery. “I am excited to be among the ranks of other industry-leading breeders and producers that also participate. I am hopeful that Monrovia perennials will help enhance the mix of great varieties already being promoted with this group.”

The addition of Monrovia’s membership within ThinkPlants comes on the heels of other new member additions Royal Van Zanten, Gulley Greenhouses and Headstart Nursery. Group members also include Danziger, Syngenta Flowers, James Greenhouses, Terra Nova Nurseries, Kapiteyn, Unex Inc, Green Circle Growers, Creekside Greenhouses, Kieft Seed and new genetics from Kiwiflora. “We continue to be excited about ThinkPlants and the companies and products we help to represent,” said Wiseman. “We are a group of independent and well-established breeding and production companies that strive to help members build well-rounded offerings supported by high-quality and trustworthy supply chains.”

Each ThinkPlants participant brings expertise in plant breeding, horticulture, technical support, supply chain, sales, and marketing. It is the strength of these companies working together, which creates such a powerful resource for the North American nursery industry. “Join us at MANTS (ThinkPlants booth #1815), in Baltimore, Maryland,” adds Wiseman. “We would love to talk about perennials, supply chain, and our great list of products.”

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