Oct 22, 2020
University of Florida Releases New Video on Monitoring Hydroponic Systems

Paul Fisher from the University of Florida IFAS Extension hosts Jon Greene of Bluelab Corp. in a new YouTube video (https://youtu.be/Yxt7OZnieng).

In the video, they discuss technical tips for pH and electrical conductivity (EC) monitoring in hydroponic plant production, as well as water management and the importance of maintaining monitoring equipment.

This video is part of the series called “Five Tips for Horticulture” featured on the Greenhouse Training Online channel (https://tinyurl.com/ufgto). The series highlights technical topics from university and industry experts.

Look for upcoming videos on topics such as growing media, vermicompost and hydroponics substrates.

The channel is sponsored by the Floriculture Research Alliance (floriculturealliance.org).

For more information on hydroponics, take the UF IFAS Extension online course for growers on Hydroponic Vegetable Production beginning on Nov. 9 (https://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/training/) in English and Spanish.
