Apr 6, 2015
Ready or Not — It’s Time to Play Ball By Tim Hodson

Last night I attended the first Major League Baseball game of the season at Wrigley Field in Chicago.

As a lifelong, die-hard Chicago Cubs fan I am always waiting until next year – and now it’s a new year, albeit with the same old result as the St. Louis Cardinals beat the Cubs 3-0.

Like many growers do, during the off-season, the Cubs started doing some renovations to Wrigley Field. The Cubs “expansion and restoration” plan is a four-year project that will take place in phases. The first phase began on the last day of the 2014 season and was scheduled to be completed by now.

But as you know, Mother Nature wasn’t too kind to anyone this winter and the weather had a major impact on the construction timetable. While construction crews worked feverishly to be ready by opening day, unfortunately, deadlines were missed (bureaucratic reasons also contributed to the problem). So when the first pitch was thrown last night, there was no one sitting in the outfield bleachers seats – because there were no seats to sit in!

Construction of the bleacher seats will continue through the early part of the season and should be complete by June. Obviously, this will affect overall attendance and revenue figures for the 2015 season.

How did your off-season construction projects go this winter? Did you finish them on time or are you still dealing with them in the middle of the spring season? How will these projects impact your 2015 season?

Drop me a line at thodson@greatamericanpublish.com and let me know.

It’s time to “Play ball!”

– Tim

Tim Hodson