Oct 2, 2015
Let’s Play Two! By Tim Hodson

I’ve been a die-hard Chicago Cubs fan for my entire life.

I don’t say that to get any pity (although my team does get to play in at least one post-season game this week) – I say it because I’ve been thinking about Mr. Cub, the late Ernie Banks. Ernie loved the game of baseball so much that he always wanted to play a double header, so “Let’s play two!” became his trademark slogan.

Well, that’s what we’re doing this month at GPN with not one but TWO Plant Health Management conferences.

The first one is taking place tomorrow at the DoubleTree hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan. On Oct. 27, we going to “play” our second conference in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Both conferences offer a full day of educational sessions on disease diagnosis/treatment, integrated pest management and plant growth strategies for growing healthier and more profitable plants. The sessions are eligible for pesticide recertification credits and there will be tabletop exhibits featuring some of our industry’s top suppliers.

If you haven’t signed up for the Grand Rapids conference yet, you can register at the door tomorrow morning, but you better get there early to get a seat. You can see tomorrow’s agenda by clicking here.

There’s still a little bit of time before we meet in Springfield, but there’s no time like the present to sign up – so why not register today? You can find all of the details about the Oct. 27 conference by clicking here.

October is a beautiful month to learn how to grow healthy and profitable plants, so let’s play two!

– Tim

Tim Hodson