40 Under 40, Class of 2016

Mark Benoit


BrightFarms, Inc., Elkwood, Virginia

Job Title

Head Grower


  • Participated in the design/build/implementation process of company’s new Capitol Greenhouse in Elkwood, Virginia. The 150,000-square-foot greenhouse harvested its first crops earlier this year and is expected to grow nearly 1 million pounds of produce per year.
  • Received college degree in agriculture after serving in the infantry in Afghanistan for three years in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.


Game On! Mark recently discovered a passion for playing table tennis. One of his co-workers was the New Jersey state champ and they started playing competitively against each other.

Fun Facts

A Hot and Cold Read: “A Song of Ice and Fire,” the first volume of the A Game of Thrones series by George R. Martin. “Because I’m a huge nerd. And everyone knows this.”