Rizaniño Reyes
40 Under 40, Class of 2021

Rizaniño “Riz” Reyes


RHR Horticulture

Job Title



  • Recipient of a gold medal and the Founder’s Cup for Best Show Garden at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle, Washington.
  • Received Emerging Horticultural Professional Award from the American Horticultural Society.


An Artistic Redemption: One of Riz’s favorite movies is “The Shawshank Redemption” because of the “brilliant acting and a great story.” One of his favorite books is “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. “It was a textbook for one of my dance classes in college and taught me principles that also related to my work in horticulture and landscape design.”

Fun Facts

Dance Fever: While studying for a career in horticulture in his native Philippines, Riz also studied dance in college and even auditioned to be on “American Idol.”