Jan 7, 2011
OFA Creates Jack Williams Scholarship FundSource: OFA

OFA is establishing a scholarship fund in memory of Ecke Ranch’s Jack Williams, who died unexpectedly while traveling last October.

OFA – an Association of Horticulture Professionals is establishing a scholarship fund in the memory of the late Jack Williams, the late technical advisor at Ecke Ranch in Encinitas, Calif. Williams died unexpectedly last October while traveling in Australia. OFA will manage the scholarship fund as part of its OFA Scholars Program.

Williams was employed at Ecke Ranch for 26 year and also served as an editorial advisor to GPN and Lawn & Garden Retailer.

He played an integral role in grower education at OFA, where he served on the board of directors and the grower committee over the years. He spent 15 years on the grower committee, including about 10 of which he served as either chair or co-chair.

As a member of the grower committee, Williams was instrumental in developing new concepts, keeping programs fresh and introducing new talent to the OFA Short Course roster of speakers.

He also developed the grower interactive session as an on-the-fly, hot-topic session, and was a great facilitator of meetings.

Williams wrote articles for the OFA Bulletin and chapters for the OFA Tips book series. He also spoke at Short Course on numerous occasions, as well as other outreach education workshops on behalf of OFA.

To contribute to the scholarship fund, send donations to The Jack Williams Scholarship Fund c/o OFA, 2130 Stella Court, Columbus, OH 43215.