Nov 18, 2013
Some Pointed Questions By Tim Hodson

It’s poinsettia time and I have a few pointed questions for you.

First, are you growing poinsettias this year? If you answered “yes” to that question, then I have some more questions for you.

Are you growing more poinsettias in 2013 than you did last year or fewer? How about varieties – which ones are you growing this year? Why did you select those varieties? How are they looking in the greenhouses? How has the fall weather impacted your poinsettia production this season? What did you do with your wholesale poinsettia prices this year? Did you raise them or keep them the same as 2012? When it comes to poinsettias, what are you doing differently this year than in previous years? What is (are) the reason(s) for making those changes?

Do you sell poinsettias direct to consumers? If you do, what are you doing to differentiate your products from other garden centers and retail outlets? Are you charging more at retail for poinsettias this year? If so, how much? Are you “experimenting” with any varieties or concepts at the retail level this holiday season? What are you trying?

And if you aren’t growing poinsettias this year and you have in the past, I’d like to know why you chose not to grow them this year?

O.K. so that is more than a “few” questions, but I want to know more. Drop me a line at and let me know about your 2013 poinsettia plans.

– Tim

Tim Hodson