40 Under 40, Class of 2016

Allison Hope Justice


Biological Defense Systems, Fair Play, South Carolina

Job Title



  • Owns and operates two different businesses — a commercial greenhouse operation as well as Biological Defense Systems that provides a way for growers to rear their own entomopathogenic nematodes in-house.
  • Earned her doctorate in ornamental horticulture from Clemson University.


On Her Nightstand: The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. “It is the perfect mix between mystery, history and romance. It is also based around all of Scotland which is neat because I’ve spent a good deal of time in Scotland.”

Fun Facts

A Family Tree with Deep Horticultural Roots: Almost all of Allison’s family is involved with plants. Her maternal grandparents were cotton farmers and her paternal grandmother was a florist. Her sister and brother-in-law are landscape architects and she grew up on an ornamental tree farm, which led her to the green industry.