Aug 19, 2016
What Do You Do Before Breakfast? By Tim Hodson

Last week, I ran across a very interesting article on the “Eight Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast” on

When I saw the headline, of course I immediately clicked on the link so I could see how my mornings compared to those of “highly successful entrepreneurs.”

I was  happy to discover that on most (not all) mornings, my pre-breakfast routine is pretty similar to the list.

While adhering to a list like this one doesn’t guarantee success, it does make for a compelling read and does get you thinking about how you start your day.

Here are a few of the items on the early morning To Do list that Entrepreneur says help successful people be successful.

  1. They wake up before everyone else — The old adage that “The Early Bird gets the worm!” holds true for many successful people.
  2. They work on a passion project — Passion projects help boost creativity, refine and enhance an individual’s skill set and blow off steam.
  3. They catch up on news — Successful people like to be informed about what is happening in the world so they know how their business may be affected or to help them develop plans for the future.
  4. They spend time with their families — Starting the day off with loved ones doing things like exercising, making and eating breakfast or reading the paper together is a priority and helps remind them what is important to them.

This is just half of the list. You’ll have to click through to the article to see what the other four things are that made Entrepreneur’s list.

What did you do before breakfast this morning? How does your morning routine compare to this list? What are you doing every morning that isn’t on this list that you believe helps you be more successful?

Drop me a line at and let me what you think should and shouldn’t be on this list.

— Tim





Tim Hodson