Editor’s Letter: Guess who’s back?! By Heather Machovina

My last few months have been full of memorable times with my family as we welcomed the new baby and enjoyed the holidays together. I’m happy to be back just in time to launch into the new year with you! I hope you all were able to take some time with your loved ones to enjoy the holidays. It’s a very busy time for most in the industry as production ramps up to prepare for big spring sales, so here’s to wishing you all your best year yet!

Winners’ circle

This year we are kicking off with a review of some of the winning varieties we saw in 2023. Reflect on some of the best of the best award winners here.

Intern of the Year

Speaking of the best of the best, this year’s Intern of the Year nomination process was amazing! We had so many very talented students apply for this award, which made the selection process very difficult. Thank you to all of the students that applied; we are proud of all of you and the contributions you are making in the industry. Read all about this year’s winner, Ian Kelly.

In the greenhouse

Also, a new addition to GPN this year is a column from Peter Konjoian that handles Small Greenhouse and Farm Technology (SGAFT), and we are excited to have the first of many articles in this issue that details information about greenhouse efficiencies in small operations. Plus read all about greenhouse innovations too.

New variety

Centaurea ‘Silver Swirl’ from Darwin Perennials is the focus of this month’s Culture Report. Dive into how this hardy and very drought tolerant variety is befitting any combination.


Pests and diseases

And learn more about the online Thrips and Botrytis Resource Library AFE has launched. Plus, Dr. Bugs always provides excellent insight, so be sure to read this month’s column.


Last, but not least, the new year provides us a time to reflect and for some of us that means investing time and energy in ourselves, for others it is giving back or investing in the community and Kim Anders-Luber shares some amazing information with us in the latest 40 Under 40 Perspectives.