Feb 14, 2023
Danziger Offers Flexible Shipping

It’s the nature of the business – last-minute changes, unexpected weather and shifting needs mean growers require flexibility in ordering. Danziger is now offering flexible ordering in two stages, with unrivaled turnaround time.

Danziger’s newly expanded facility in Guatemala can offer last-minute changes as late as the Friday before shipping the following week. First cutoff for all changes is as late as Tuesday at 5:00 PM Eastern. That means if you need to change or add to your order, and there is availability, the changes will be shipped with your current order.
If you have a production plan change or an opportunity with a last-minute customer request, Danziger can help you take advantage of the sales opportunity. Last-minute new orders or additions to existing orders are accepted as late as 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday and will ship the following week. This exceptionally fast turnaround time offers growers additional peace of mind.

This flexibility is especially notable in the company’s new foliage program, Floresta. Danziger’s indoor production makes all the difference and is unique in the industry at this scale. By producing foliage cuttings indoors, Danziger can provide a cleaner environment without weather concerns. It allows them to produce more consistent cuttings which means more consistent availability for their customers.

“We are growers at heart,” says Mike Fernandez, Danziger market manager North America. “Customer service is built into everything we do. We know that late and cancelled orders, missing product, and other ordering hassles can be hard. That’s why we’re working hard to bring not just higher quality cuttings, but also more consistency to the industry. We really want to make things easier for our customers.”

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