Jun 7, 2012
Danziger to Showcase Crops at European Flower TrialsSource: Danziger

Breeder will display 400 varieties from 37 different crops at Royal van Zanten in The Netherlands during this week's trials.

Danziger will display 400 varieties from 37 different crops at the annual FlowerTrials event in Europe, June 12-15.

“In this year’s display, we recommend paying special attention to our new Lobularia Lavender Stream, Petunia Sunflower Ray and the unique petunia Marvel Beauty Raspberry,” said Chanochi Zaks, vice president of marketing.

Danziger crops will be showcased at Royal van Zanten in Rijsenhout, The Netherlands.

FlowerTrials are a platform for European breeders. Displays are spread between three different areas in The Netherlands and Germany and a spectrum of crops and novelties for the new season are displayed.

For more information, please visit www.danziger.co.il.