Sep 28, 2012
Nexus Creates New Product GroupSource: Nexus Greenhouse Systems

On Sept. 26, Nexus Corp. announced the formation of a new product division called LINX Greenhouses.

On Sept. 26, , Nexus Corp. announced the formation of a new product division called LINX Greenhouses.

LINX Greenhouses, a Division of Nexus will offer a new line of greenhouses to supplement the needs of the company’s customers for a structure that will complete their growing cycle from beginning to end.

“Last week we traveled in the Northeastern U.S. introducing Scott Thompson as our director of sales for the LINX product line to people at numerous operations who fit the profile for this new product. The product was well received and resulted in several new projects on the board,” said Jeff Warschauer, Nexus’ vice president of sales.

“The LINX product line has been developed to fill out our product line to target a segment of the market that Nexus’ traditional product did not suit as well. The LINX greenhouse gives customers who need a different structure but want the same quality that our customers expect from Nexus and with the same high level of customer service,” Warschauer explained.

“Scott will be responsible for product development and sales for this product line. Scott’s experience has been in this market segment and will enable us to move quickly with our introduction to our customers.”

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