Mar 9, 2016
Sustainable Climate Management Seminar Convenes in Ontario

On Tuesday, March 1, Svensson and Priva co-hosted a Sustainable Climate Management seminar in Leamington, Ontario, Canada. The seminar attracted more than 60 growers from Leamington and surrounding areas.

More than 60 growers attending the seminar. Photo: Svensson/Priva
More than 60 growers attended the seminar. Photo: Svensson/Priva

Hosts Svensson and Priva, together with guest speaker Laust Dam, of Hot House Consulting, presented the latest technology and practices, highlighting sustainable climate management tips specifically for the Southern Ontario climate.

Svensson Climate Consultant Paul Arkesteijn discussed achieving an optimal climate using the latest screen technologies, including Svensson’s newest generation of Harmony screens. John van der Wilk, Priva’s vice president of business development, gave attendees a firsthand look at the latest climate control and process management solutions designed to maximize cultivation.