Dec 2, 2021
Webinar Alert: Learn to Connect with Consumers

The Perennial Plant Association and National Garden Bureau have partnered to present an exciting webinar focused on Connecting with Consumers. With so many dramatic changes having happened over the past 18 months, it is a great time to look at the who, what, when, where and why of consumer behavior. National Garden Bureau’s Diane Blazek and Gail Pabst will dive into consumer trends and behaviors, and connect how they relate to gardening and the consumption of live goods.

Brainstorming for the event began in June of this year and Diane and Gail have been collecting data, reviewing research and compiling it into an amazing presentation. Attendees will be blown away by some of the statistics and findings — including over 30 new trends and how they relate to the horticulture industry! Blue Zone Living? K-Pop-? Boomer Tech? These topics and more have made the list!

The Connecting with Consumers webinar will take place online on Wednesday, December 8 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Eastern. Registration includes the live webinar and access to the recording for six months. A resource guide and handouts of the presentation will also be shared after the event. Register at:

PPA and NGB hope to see you there!