
BeeHero shows data-backed insights from almond pollination seasons

BeeHero, a provider of precision pollination, unveiled data-driven bee activity insights from the 2022-2024 almond pollination seasons. The company ha... more »

ScottsMiracle-Gro partners for bee yard at Ohio headquarters

In order to establish an apiary at its headquarters in Marysville, Ohio, the Central Ohio Beekeepers Association (COBA) is partnering with ScottsMirac... more »


Researchers protect honeybees with antiviral treatment

Scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) developed an edible antiviral treatment that... more »

$4.1 million in grants to help the monarch butterfly and other pollinators

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has awarded $4.1 million in grants through the Monarch Butterfly and Pollinators Conservation Fund. T... more »

Whole Foods Market unveils new pollinator health policy

Whole Foods Market announced a new pollinator policy for its fresh produce and floral purchasing to support pollinators in recognition of the critical... more »

The Perennial Farm to introduce pollinator collection at Cultivate’23

The Perennial Farm will unveil its new collection of pollinator-friendly native plants, Queen Bee Natives, at AmericanHort’s Cultivate’23 this J... more »