Video Library

Integrated Pest Management Success With Arborjet’s AzaSol

{Sponsored} AzaSol is an organic, water-soluble powdered insect growth regulator. Perfect for your IPM programs, it can be applied as a drench, spray, or through chemigation. Visit

Beaver Plastics: Propagation Trays with Results

{Sponsored} Beaver Plastics is a name you can trust. Since 1967 we have been producing high performance engineered plastic products. Our products are used in the horticulture industries throughout the world.

Hawthorne – “Under the Influence”

{Sponsored} Hawthorne is a company that is led by a set of principles that motivate them every day. They are “under the influence” of innovation, passion, family and the urge to serve. Learn more about Hawthorne at

Top Varieties at the Mast Young Plants Trial Garden

Brian Weesies, general manager of Mast Young Plants, shares the Top 5 new varieties from their trial garden where visitors were invited to vote for their favorites during the 2020 Michigan Garden Plant Tour (July 27-Aug. 7). Learn more by visiting or find them on Facebook. Video courtesy of Mast Young Plants.

Hydretain Product Overview

Hydretain will help to reduce returns by extending retail shelf life and improving plant survival even in the worst conditions. See how it works! Visit {Sponsored}

Benary’s TeleCAST Goes Live!

Benary’s introduces TeleCAST 2020, a new product video playlist on YouTube. These educational videos provide information about their newest products. {Sponsored}

RootShield PLUS+ Product Overview

BioWorks provides expertise for managing plant and soil health with reliable products, when and how you need them. BioWorks is reinventing the way customers work; providing biologically-based solutions and programs. {Sponsored}

Why Mainspring GNL Insecticide?

Learn about the benefits of using Mainspring GNL to protect ornamental crops like poinsettias from key chewing and sucking insect pests. {Sponsored}

Get Inspired with Benary’s New Series

Tom Linwick shows you why Plus and DeluXXe are better.

Hort TV July: Cultivate’15

GPN takes you through the ins and outs of Cultivate’15 along with an introduction to the 40 Under 40 Class of 2015.