40 Under 40, Class of 2016

Fitz Couhig


Pioneer Nuggets, Arlington, Washington

Job Title



  • As a mitigation professional, he helped arrange the purchase and management of more than 15,000 acres of wetlands that are now under perpetual servitude.
  • Founded Pioneer Nuggets and successfully brought a craft cannabis flower product to the Washington State market.


A Grand Adventure: An avid outdoorsman and adventurer, Fitz paddled the entire 287 miles of the Grand Canyon over a 25-day period in December 2014. “Nothing prepares one for three Class 8 rapids in a four-hour stretch. It was cold, but not as cold as you would think. Adrenaline is wonderful.”

Fun Facts

On Dry Land: The one thing he cannot live without is water, “but I prefer when it is in a craft beer or an excellent coffee.”