Jun 17, 2012
Are You in the Market? By Tim Hodson

Now that Father’s Day has come and gone and the spring rush is starting to slow down a bit, it’s time for the farmers market season to start blooming.

The popularity of farmers markets continues to skyrocket as consumers seek out locally grown plants, fruits, herbs and vegetables. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, there were nearly 7,200 farmers markets operating in the U.S. last summer – a 17 percent increase over 2010.

In fact, the number of farmers markets has more than doubled in the last decade!

In my town, the farmers market takes place every Friday afternoon/evening, so it is very convenient for my wife and I to make a quick stop on our way home to pick up a bushel basket of goodies to enjoy over the weekend.

So I was wondering, do you participate in any farmers markets in your area? What are you growing and selling? How is participating in a local farmers market different from selling your products at other retail outlets?

Drop me a line at thodson@greatamericanpublish.com and let me know if you are dabbling in the farmers market.

Tim Hodson