40 Under 40, Class of 2017

Joseph Roberts IX


ForemostCo Inc.

Job Title

Chief Operating Officer


  • Received undergraduate degrees in political science and psychology from Virginia Tech and a law degree from the University of Miami. After working as a lawyer, Joe returned to the family business.
  • Helped build (and continues to build) a dynamic and culturally diverse team of men and women who work well together to produce and sell high-quality product with exceptional service.


Dizzy, Miles, Wynton … and Joe: When he was younger, Joe was a jazz trumpet player. “The band at the high school I went to was too small to act as a marching band so instead we played jazz and I took to it like a fish to water.”

Fun Facts

High School Sweethearts: While both of Joe’s parents were born in the United States, they met in high school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “My mother’s father was an engineer and my father’s father was a geologist/CIA operative, and their jobs took them and their families to South America.”