Feb 27, 2019
AAS Elects New Officers and Director, NGB Adds New Board Member

At recent meetings during the ASTA Flower and Vegetable Seed Conference in Orlando, Florida, All-America Selections elected new officers and directors.

The National Garden Bureau also added one new member to its board of directors

All America Selections welcomes Jim Devereux from Green Fuse Botanicals as the new AAS President and Scott Rusch from PanAmerican Seed as the new AAS vice president.

Devereux and Rusch bring a new set of skills and goals to AAS including, but not limited to, an in-depth perspective into vegetatively propagated ornamentals and strategic planning.

All-America Selections also welcomed newly elected director Alicain Carlson  from Syngenta Flowers.

The National Garden Bureau also welcomed newly elected director Marissa Verdi from Harris Seeds/Garden Trends.

Both Carlson and Verdi bring unique and creative perspectives on marketing to the respective organizations.