Alex Kantor
40 Under 40, Class of 2021

Alex Kantor


Perfect Plants Nursery/Lloyd Nursery

Job Title



  • Conceived and founded Perfect Plants Nursery — an ecommerce plant nursery. “It all started with a dream about a three-pack of blueberries” and today sells over 200 different types of privacy trees, shrubs and fruiting plants.
  • Also co-owns wholesale nursery with his sister and is continuing “our father’s legacy of growing quality plants.”


The Beach Is Calling: “St. Pete Beach is my favorite vacation spot because my wife and I enjoy fun in the sun near the ocean any chance we can get.”

Fun Facts

The Xs and Os of Life: “Game Plan for Life” by Joe Gibbs is his favorite book. “It inspired me to be a better person. He is a leader to young men in motivating how to live a successful life.”