Oct 17, 2023
House Plant Wholesale partners with Indie & Main

House Plant Wholesale, a supplier of affordable house plants, has partnered with Indie & Main, an online wholesale marketplace under the OneCoast family of brands, to provide unique plants and plant accessories to retailers.

“Indie & Main is excited to partner with House Plant Wholesale” said Kayla Jones, Executive Director of Indie & Main. “Their mission to inspire retailers through their products aligns seamlessly with our goal of providing retailers with trusted products that their customers will love. This partnership opens new avenues for retailers to differentiate their offerings and cater to the many garden and outdoor shops that follow Indie & Main.”

House Plant Wholesale was started to provide small businesses across the USA with high-quality house plants at an affordable price. House Plant Wholesale has a huge selection of plants, including tropical indoor foliage, succulents, cacti, air plants, and edibles. They also carry a huge selection of planters, supplies, and accessories, so that each plant parent can create a natural escape that inspires creativity.House Plant Wholesale

“We’re excited to announce our partnership with Indie & Main!” says Chandler Ruoff, one of the founders of House Plant Wholesale. “At House Plant Wholesale, we believe that plants hold the power to inspire and help society live sustainably. Our goal is to offer products that inspire sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint. If you’re looking for plants to sell in your shop, or just want them for decoration, House Plant Wholesale offers the highest quality indoor plants with superb variety and highly competitive prices.”

Retailers of Indie & Main can look forward to discovering a unique range of offerings from House Plant Wholesale. This partnership promises to inspire both retailers and their customers.

House Plant Wholesale is a house plants supplier that believes that plants hold the power to influence and inspire people. Its main goal of living sustainably guides how it grows the business. For more information about Indie & Main and House Plant Wholesale, please indieandmain.com.

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