Funding a Healthy Future By Tim Hodson

Over the summer, the National Garden Bureau launched its "Growing for Futures" philanthropic program to help build therapeutic gardens. This ongoing, annual, fundraising initiative is designed to advance the NGB's mission — to raise awareness of gardening, the good it can bring into one's life while increasing the overall use of flowers and plants.

The first organization NGB is working with is Growing Solutions Farm in Chicago. It is a 13,000 sq. ft. farm operated by young adults with autism. It is a vocational program of the Julie & Michael Tracy Family Foundation/Urban Autism Solutions, which is dedicated to addressing the challenges that young adults with autism face.

The unemployment rate is extremely high among autistic adults. Julie and Michael wanted to create a community for these young adults where they can socialize and learn job skills that will lead to future success in the workplace. They are able to offer paid employment for up to 20 gardeners.

While a majority of harvested produce is donated to area food pantries, they also offer some for sale at farmers markets. It's not quite enough to turn a profit … yet. But hopefully this fundraiser will allow them to expand and extend their season with the addition of a greenhouse. Through previous donations they've already added several raised beds this season, but they're still only using about 25 percent of their space.

To learn more about Growing Solutions Farm check out their YouTube video ( For more information or to donate to NGB's Growing for Futures, go to

It's a great way to help fund a healthy future!

Intern of the Year Deadline

Just a quick reminder: The deadline to apply for the 2015 GPN/Nexus Intern of the Year is Oct. 22. For more information, please turn to page 37.